Did you see the ANC leaflet bombs? 1967-72
Did you come into contact with the London Recruits?

If you were an eyewitness to these events, we want to hear from you.
Between 1967 and 1972 young volunteers recruited from London came to South Africa to undertake missions on behalf of the ANC.

The activities of the London Recruits included the planting of non-lethal ‘leaflet bombs’ at strategic commuter sites, playing rousing audio messages from struggle leaders and dropping banners from landmark buildings across South Africa’s cities. On several occasions explosive devices, smuggled by the recruits from London, sent thousands of resistance leaflets fluttering into the skies of Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth and East London. The message, that the ANC was alive and well and that the struggle continued, was broadcast far and wide and witnessed by many. Of the dozens of missions between 1967 and 1972, many made the national headlines.

For more details on exact dates and locations, please click here.

We are urgently looking for witnesses. Did you see the leaflet bombs explode? Do you know someone who did? Did you come into contact with the activities of the London Recruits? Anyone who has any leads can contact us by whatsapp, sms, email, facebook, twitter or via the form below


info@isawit.co.za | www.isawit.co.za

facebook.com/IsawItSA | twitter.com/ISawIt_SA


If you SMS / Text or email us we will call you back. We will then try and arrange a time to hear your story – initially on the phone.

Joyce Sikikane-Rankin and Mongane Wally Serote from London Recruits on Vimeo.